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I have always been inspired by polymaths, albeit 'polymaths' in a less strict sense. For example, in my engineering school's second year, I came across a book titled Advanced MS-DOS Programming written by Ray Duncan. The author identified himself as someone who did a bachelor's in Chemistry, an MD in medicine, and subsequently wrote a book on MS-DOS. Irrespective of the book's content quality, it baffled me that someone could work in fairly non-overlapping scientific fields. Over time I realized that such people are not as rare as I thought them to be. However, the pressures of modern work culture and financial problems sometimes do not allow people to practice various fields. Nevertheless, I was a bit lucky to pursue my interests to some extent, and some of the projects I enjoyed doing are listed below.

2007 to 2011: Systems Programming

One of the interesting projects I did during my Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering was to transcode a video live-stream and to re-stream is simultaneously. , I found Linux and systems programming quite enticing. At one point I thought this is all I want to do in my life. Thankfully, it did not turn out that way.

2011 to 2014: Web development and UX design

2016 to 2020: PhD research in Cancer Biostatistics and Biostatistics Consulting

2020 to 2021: Epidemiology statistician for Vaccine development lifecycle